Monday, 6 December 2010


Another idea which I have been thinking may be good for our thriller is one shot, like a reverse zoom. The reverse zoom would come from something interesting and as it zoomed out interesting things would be around that one starting object. This would make the opening sequence interesting and mysterious.
For this idea I got inspired by the opening sequence of 'A Clockwork Orange':

I found this opening sequence interesting due to:
  • the fact that there is only one camera shot - extreme close up followed by a reverse zoom.
  • the mise-en-scene in the way that the bar is set out. It is not like a normal bar and there is something strange and bizzare about it.
  • The sound: it starts off with eerie, strange music which gets more bizzare until the end where there is a non-diegetic voice over, creating more madness.
All these things make the sequence bizarre and strange which together make the whole atmosphere quite creepy.

Another idea which has crossed my mind would be doing the whole opening sequence backwards. Starting off with something that has happened and maybe going back to how this happened. A good thriller which uses this technique is momentum: