Monday, 4 October 2010


Introduction to concept of editing film:
  • Hollywood Narrative prioritises Narrative over Form (in essence, the story is the most important factor, not the look)
  • The majority of editing decisions are based on this factor - choice of shot is dictated by necessity to narrative.
  • Editing also dictates the PACE of the film, the faster the shots are cut together, the more tense or exciting a sequence becomes.
  • Editing also maniplulates Time and Space - the ellipsis of the film-world (or DIEGESIS) we only see events necessary to the time of the narrative which are cut together to speed up or slow down the events depending on the needs of that narrative.
  • Juxtaposition and meaning:
    Shots in sequence create meaning for audiences
    From exterior shots to set, audience is encouraged to believe the events they see are immediately sequential
  • The Kuleshov Effect
    Audiences interpreted emotional responses on the actor’s face based on the juxtaposition of images.
To practice our editing skills, we were required to make a doctor who video using a website:

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