Monday, 24 January 2011

FINAL IDEA - finally.

Over the holidays, once the tiring musical was over and we each had a bit of time to think with a clear mind, I received an email from another group member explaining exactly what I had been thinking myself. This was that we were not completely happy with the idea we had decided on before the holidays and if we were not completely happy with it, we were not going to enjoy it or be as enthusiastic.
Through emailing between all three of us we decided to settle on the idea of an opening sequence which was very simple. It would start with a man in the bathroom washing blood off his hands and then washing his face and glancing in the mirror, where we would see his face for the first time. He would walk into a bedroom where there would be a suit that he had previously layed out on the bed. There would be some nice shots of him dressing into the suit. The idea would be for the audience to assume this was his house. Already dressed in his shirt, he would start to put his trousers on but when he got the trousers to his knees he would hear the sound of the front door opening and a woman arriving home. He then would start dressing much quicker and the shots would have increased pace to show he was in a hurry. Finally once he was dressed he would grab a gun from the table along with a passport. As this is going on we can hear the sound of footsteps up the stairs, building the tension and suspense. The door handle would turn and the man would take one last worried glance towards the door. Then we would see the door opening from the womans point of view and as she glances around the room, the man has dissapeared. As she shuts the door, assuming she never heard anything and it was just a misunderstanding, we see the feet of a dead body underneath the bed.
The story is that this man has entered a womans house and killed her partner for some reason or other and then taken his identity. We chose this one for definite because it included both the suspense of the woman catching the man with his trousers down - literally - but also the shock of seeing the body under the bed. It is also interesting as the audience are made to believe that this is the mans house to start off with, then the story slowly unravells.

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