Tuesday, 30 November 2010


When we met originally to discuss our Thriller idea's in our group we chose to develop this idea:
  • a small girl in a park on a swing
  • a woman watching her
  • flashback of woman pushing her daughter on the swing
  • woman looking at photo of her daughter (we realise daughter has died)
  • woman putting 'wanted poster' through the little girl's letter box
  • little girl turns up at womans house and we see that woman is going to kidnapp her.

However, we then realised that this may have been a bad idea to develop. First of all, it is very long and would not fit into a 2 minute sequence. It also does would have told most of the story in the opening sequence and would not leave much to be discovered or developed. The final problem was how we were going to get a little girl to be in the sequence.

After thinking a lot, we decided on a completely different idea. This idea was based around the myths that you hear about which explain how people wake up in baths full of ice with organs missing and writing on the wall saying 'Call 999' as people have drugged them, cut out their organs and gone to sell them in another country. This is what we came to:
  • There is an extreme close-up of a girls eyes. We see them open as she gasps.
  • There is then a reverse zoom so we can see that she is in her underwear in a bath full of ice; she has a shocked/confused expression.
  • There is then an eyeline match of her looking in the mirror. We see that there is something written on the mirror. The rest of the mirror goes out of focus and allows us to read what is written in red lipstick: 'call 0800......( a phone number)'
  • The girl looks around and sees a phone lying next to her. She slowly types in the number and we see a close-up of the phone with the diegetic noises of her typing in the numbers.
  • she puts the phone to her ear, but we don't hear what the person is saying on the other line. She has an extremely shocked expression and slowly lets go of the phone in fear.
  • There is then a flashback. We see her dancing in the club holding a drink, she moves over to dance with a guy and when she's not looking there is a close up of him spiking her drink. We then see him dragging her into his car or something similar to this to show that she is the victim and he is the bad guy.
  • It then cuts back to reality and she is in the bath. We are looking at her through the mirror. She looks down looks back up at herself in the mirror and screams.
  • The screen goes black and the title comes up whilst she is still screaming.

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