Sunday, 21 November 2010


1. Guy alone in a room in a mental asylem. Show's his unstableness, and when people come to find him he has dissapeared.
2. Someone with a handheld camera which is set in night vision mode. Shows us the horrible things they see and then camera switches offf.
3. Freaky killer child who has killed all her own family; there would be a process in which we would figure this out.
4. A man who obsesses over young girls and we see him plotting his next attack.

My main chosen idea is idea 4. It would start off with a close-up of a wall in an empty room and on the wall would be pictures of little girls and articles of girls who have gone missing along with pictures of little girl's bedroom's and other items to do with youg girls. There would be a reverse zoom and then diegetic sounds of a door opening and footsteps of a guy walking into the room. You will see his fingers running along the pictures. As he looks at his 'work' of pictures and runs his fingers against them, there will be non-diegetic eerie music that builds tension. However, throughout the whole of the clip you wont see his face This is to create suspense and keep people hanging. There will then be quick cuts of the guy sitting at a desk looking at information about a new little girl and planning his attack. There will be cuts of him packing certain items into a bag and things like that. As he packs his bag there will be diegetic sounds of him singing a nursery rhyme in a scary way. Right before the clip ends there will be a shot of something which gives away what he is doing with these little girls, but i am still undecided on what this will be.

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