Saturday, 26 March 2011

Task 4 - Who would be the audience for your media product?

Thrillers are generally particularly popular with the under 25’s and have a slight female skew, however, due to our thriller having an action/thriller genre, our films core target audience would be 15-24 male age group, as it is normally men who like guns and violence. However, there are various ways in which the film will break out from this core audience. The main character in the film will attract the 15-24 female age groups, as he is considered to be attractive and have a good body.

Having these people in a particular age range makes it easier for the distributor to reach them with targeted advertising, for example, the 15-24 age group are likely to use social networking sites frequently, and so a viral advertising campaign might be useful to advertise the film. Also, statistics show that these age groups are the most frequent cinemagoers and so when the film is distributed at the cinema, the film is likely to get more views than a film targeted towards a much older audience.

The film has different marketable elements which will appeal to different audiences. For example, the attractiveness of the protagonist, which refers to whether the target audience sees themselves reflected in the protagonist. The protagonist in our film came from an unstable background and he was essentially traumatized as a result of this. This is reflected by the way he acts throughout the film; however we discover this as the film unravels. This could potentially attract another type of audience, who can relate to the man’s feelings, and who have perhaps experienced a similar thing. The subject matter can also impact a films target audience. Our film is based on a man working undercover as some part of conspiracy, and generally people interested in conspiracies and secret services will be enthralled by the movie content.

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