Thursday, 10 March 2011

Task 7 - Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to full product?

Looking back on my preliminary task, I have realised many things which I would now change having learnt a LOT more now. These things are:

1) mise en scene.
We do not have much mise en scene apart from a table with some files, a couple of chairs and a light.

Now I would make sure that the scene is set completely with nothing that will distract the audiences attention or make the location look bad in any way. That is why in our thriller we made sure the whole room was completely set to the scene with the double bed made very nicely, a desk with some books on, a dressing room table and other things.

as you can see here, the wall does not fill the entire screen and so it is obvious they are on a set and makes everything look very unrealistic.

2) sound.

In our prelim task, you can hear people talking and laughing in the background.
Whereas, in our thriller we made sure to be silent whilst filming and if there is any talking or unwanted sounds we have cut them out.

3) Lighting.

The lighting in our prelim task is very obviously much lighter in some places than others. This makes the light look very artificial and ruins the feel of the scene.
In our thriller, we made sure that there was not too much light as to make it look artificial and that the light was consistent throughout.

Above, the lighting is much lower than on the shot that it leads into (below).

The lighter here looks too bright for outside and therefore artificial making the scene seem unrealistic.

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