Friday, 30 September 2011

The Vibe

We decided on a simple but effective name for our band: The Vibe.

I think this name is suitable as even though there is no underlying meaning or anything, it is simple so it will attract people more to the music that the band plays rather than their name or image they give off which is what we want.

We began to design a CD cover using some images from google and photoshopping them together. This will obviously be re-done with the actual band that we have casted nearer the time and is just a first idea. Here it is:

We would like it to be a simple CD cover where the name of the band stands out but also have the band on the front so that audiences can establish what kind of band they are and also so the audience can feel closer to them and like they know them better.

An album cover that really does this well is The Rolling Stones:

I like the way that they are all at different distances and it is simple but effective, which is what we are trying to get at. However, ours is more mysterious which I hope will intrigue the audience.

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