Friday, 27 January 2012

Questionairre 2 (Task 3)

We took some pictures of our group whilst they were watching the video and filling in the questionnaire, and we also took some pictures of answers whch interested us:

This answer interested us because the girl who filled it in claims that the band represent her as they 'are similar to people we know'. She also claims the band are very relatable with their clothes and hair.
This answer interested us firstly because the girl takls about the things she liked about the video being the hanging scene and the camera passing through the walls. This corresponds with other peoples answer to their questionnaires and especially to our focus group discussion.

Here is the students we asked to fill in the questionnaire. We chose them from the year below because they had never seen the music video before unlike many people in our year. We had 2 boys and 3 girls so it was balanced and we could therefore see if there were any gender differences in their answers.

This answer interested us as this boy believed the band stood for 'taking risks in society' and that the message was to 'control your life and make your own decisions'. The fact that he saw the taking risks in society means that he decoded our video with the message we wanted to potray, showing that we got our message through well. The message he saw about controlling your life and making your own decisions, although we never thought to illustrate this, is good because it shows that he has got a positive message out of the video unlike some people who may find it disturbing.

This answer is also interesting as it corresponds with the previous answer claiming that they thought the band image was 'taking risks for fun'. This means it was not just the one person who thought so, showing that our message was put across very well.

Questionnaire (Task 3)

Questionnaire Questions

  • Are you male/female?           
  • How old are you?
  • What’s your favourite music genre?
  • What did you think was the concept of our video?
  • Did you find it disturbing?
  • Would you want to watch it again? If so where and when?
  • Would you send it to your friends?
  • What did you think the band image was?
  • Is there anything you would change?
  • Do you like the video? If so what did you like about it?
  • What did you not like about it?
  • Do you think the poster and video linked together?
  • Would you buy the album?
  • Did you like the digipak design?
  • What would you get out of watching the video?
  • Do you feel you relate to the band? If so how and why?
  • Do they represent you in anyway?
  • What do this band stand for?
  • What attitudes to they represent?
  • Is there a message? If so, what?
  • What do you think could be improved in any of the products?
  • Do you think they all seem like they are from the same band? Or there some differences in the image?

Feedback on evaluation Task Three

You have collated clear audience feedback.   I know that Abi is yet to post the video - this is in progress.
 I do feel that you need to analyse the data of your audience feedback - to pull out significant points which compliment and criticise your music publicity campaign, not just your music video.

But you do need to address the set evaluation task.
Thsi includes applying Hall's Reception Theory and interpreting preferred, negotiated and oppositional readings.
You will need to then apply this to your audience feedback and subsequently comment on what went well with the campiagn and even better if.  Have your target audience read teh MV in the way you desired or was it too controversial?

Wednesday, 25 January 2012

Task 3: What have you learned from your audience feedback?

We received feedback via facebook and YouTube for our Music Video.

Here is a print screen of the comments and likes when our Music Video was uploaded to FaceBook:

Here is a print screen of the YouTube comments we received for our music video:

Looking at our feedback, it seems our audience found that our video was well edited and had a good general effect. Most people seemed shocked at our concept as it is not something you commonly see but this was in a positive way as many people were intrigued and seemed as though they would watch it again. Our video was also reposted on FaceBook by somebody else, which shows that people would easily show it to their friends. Our audience seemed pleased by our star image and thought the cast we picked went well with the concept as well as this track. Ultimately, I am very pleased with our audience feedback. This feedback is especially helpful as it comes from our target audience of 16 to 25's, as these are the most frequent internet users and as well as that the most frequent YouTube and FaceBook users. 

Saturday, 21 January 2012


This is a proficient Prezi of the evaluation task. I feel it is creative and covers many of the points it needs to. However I also feel that there are ways in which this could be developed in order to ensure that it meets level four criteria. to improve the visual style perhaps use more images/ links. Where you have used links, for example on regulation of the music video and ofcom advice, you need to point the reader at more precise and relevant points rather than a whole report. When using theory of Dyer, what arguments does he make in application to your coursework?
Likewise when discuss in the marketing mix do not simply cite Kotler's four P's apply this to your campaign. Finally, the idea that you have a boy band' is something that I associate with bands, like One Dimension, you have a much darker image than these typical boy bands and as a result you have tried to use controversy not rebellion to promote the image - I think you need to be clearer about this and who the target audience is (you ae quite general about this).
Nonetheless an excellent effort.