Saturday, 21 January 2012


This is a proficient Prezi of the evaluation task. I feel it is creative and covers many of the points it needs to. However I also feel that there are ways in which this could be developed in order to ensure that it meets level four criteria. to improve the visual style perhaps use more images/ links. Where you have used links, for example on regulation of the music video and ofcom advice, you need to point the reader at more precise and relevant points rather than a whole report. When using theory of Dyer, what arguments does he make in application to your coursework?
Likewise when discuss in the marketing mix do not simply cite Kotler's four P's apply this to your campaign. Finally, the idea that you have a boy band' is something that I associate with bands, like One Dimension, you have a much darker image than these typical boy bands and as a result you have tried to use controversy not rebellion to promote the image - I think you need to be clearer about this and who the target audience is (you ae quite general about this).
Nonetheless an excellent effort.

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