As well as getting in a few people to watch our video and answer our questionnaire questions - this helped us mostly distinguish any cultural or gender differences when decoding our music video - we also got together a focus group who we filmed watching our music video (to see their reactions) and we also filmed them discussing important feedback about our video. This included, what they decoded from it (and once told about the original concept whether they agreed we portrayed this in the best way possible), what they liked and what they didnt like, what they would have changed and also their opinions on our digipak and poster and whether all three elements went well together.
Generally, we got good feedback from our focus group. They all expressed that they liked the video and would easily watch it again as well as show it to their friends.
However, we also got some productive feedback that helped us distinguish what could have been done better. For example, when asked about the concept, our focus group were not entirely sure about it. They proposed a general idea about domestic violence, but then discussed about how this could not be the concept as they were performing acts on each other. One girl had clearly grasped the concept and realised that the characters in the video were clearly enjoying what was going on. Therefore, we did get a preferred reading from a few people, though mainly negotional readings were expressed. We did not seem to get any oppositional readings though which is positive as we got across our message. One we told them what we had encoded in the video they said that it all made sense. Our focus group were all aged 16 to 17 and seemed quite comfortable with the contraversial concept, explaining that they did not think it was too graphic in any way. Although what was interesting is that older generation adults expressed how they would not want to watch it again due to feeling uncomfortable and certain that they would not want their kids watching it.
In terms of the digipak and poster, our focus group were mainly pleased and said that it was obvious that it all linked together, apart from they would possible make the poster more edgy so it was more on par with the music video. In evaluation of this task, the only focus group members available at this time were females and so it would have possibly been more interesting as well as useful to have some male members of the audience to see if there were any differences in readings. Nevertheless, we had males participate in the questionnaire and so we could see gender differences from that. Furthermore, we all felt this was a very useful means of gaining audience feedback.
In terms of Hall's theory, our preferred reading would be for our audience to understand the concept that both of the characters are enjoying harming each other and that this kind of behaviour is becoming more common nowadays and that these are issues which are often ignored and we therefore want people to be aware of it. The negotiated reading would have been what we received from most of our focus group, a general idea about violence inside peoples homes and being more aware of these kinds of issues but not completely grasping the enjoyment in it. The oppositional reading, which we slightly came across with more older viewers, would be an audience member who could not see the point in the graphicness of it and finding it too controversial in a way that they would not want to watch it again. I think these readings all lead to positive consequences as even the oppositional reading would probably lead to people talking about it and the shock would spark up word-of-mouth.
Generally, we got good feedback from our focus group. They all expressed that they liked the video and would easily watch it again as well as show it to their friends.
However, we also got some productive feedback that helped us distinguish what could have been done better. For example, when asked about the concept, our focus group were not entirely sure about it. They proposed a general idea about domestic violence, but then discussed about how this could not be the concept as they were performing acts on each other. One girl had clearly grasped the concept and realised that the characters in the video were clearly enjoying what was going on. Therefore, we did get a preferred reading from a few people, though mainly negotional readings were expressed. We did not seem to get any oppositional readings though which is positive as we got across our message. One we told them what we had encoded in the video they said that it all made sense. Our focus group were all aged 16 to 17 and seemed quite comfortable with the contraversial concept, explaining that they did not think it was too graphic in any way. Although what was interesting is that older generation adults expressed how they would not want to watch it again due to feeling uncomfortable and certain that they would not want their kids watching it.
In terms of the digipak and poster, our focus group were mainly pleased and said that it was obvious that it all linked together, apart from they would possible make the poster more edgy so it was more on par with the music video. In evaluation of this task, the only focus group members available at this time were females and so it would have possibly been more interesting as well as useful to have some male members of the audience to see if there were any differences in readings. Nevertheless, we had males participate in the questionnaire and so we could see gender differences from that. Furthermore, we all felt this was a very useful means of gaining audience feedback.
In terms of Hall's theory, our preferred reading would be for our audience to understand the concept that both of the characters are enjoying harming each other and that this kind of behaviour is becoming more common nowadays and that these are issues which are often ignored and we therefore want people to be aware of it. The negotiated reading would have been what we received from most of our focus group, a general idea about violence inside peoples homes and being more aware of these kinds of issues but not completely grasping the enjoyment in it. The oppositional reading, which we slightly came across with more older viewers, would be an audience member who could not see the point in the graphicness of it and finding it too controversial in a way that they would not want to watch it again. I think these readings all lead to positive consequences as even the oppositional reading would probably lead to people talking about it and the shock would spark up word-of-mouth.
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