Monday, 6 February 2012

Task 4: Media Technology in Pre-Production

Before we filmed and edited our music video, we drew out a storyboard of what we wanted our shots to look like. We then stuck these storyboards up on the wall so we could film each 'shot' that was drawn out. We used a Sony NX 5 to shoot them. We then edited all these shots together using Final Cut and synced the shots up to our song. Therefore, we basically had a rough cut of our actual music videos. This proves how media technologies allowed us to get a feel for what our music video would look like and therefore change anything which we didn't thnik fit the song. This was crucial as our storyboard animation allowed us to realise that we had some shots at the end that were too slow and that we did not have enough intense action in our video. We then had time to think about this and establish the changes before the shooting day. Thus, this media technology was a significant part in our pre-production and our music video may not have turned out as well without our storyboard animatic.

Here is a screen recording of us editing our storyboard animatic together:

This website itself (eBlogger) has been a vital piece of online technology which has helped us significantly in our coursework and final product of our music video. It has allowed us to blog all the planning and research as well as any ideas that come to mind therefore acting as a kind of scrapbook or notepad full of everything to make sure we do not forget any ideas. It also puts everything in one place and makes it a bit more organised, for example, with the months and years tabs down the right hand side.

Here is a hyperlink to a web page which talks about the advantages in Blogging, these are all also beneficial to us in relation to our coursework:
Benefits of blogging

New advances in technology have also brought advances in mobile phones, including the very useful iPhone. We used iPhones to take pictures of anything we drew out, for example drawings of our set design or location. We could therefore upload this straight to blogger or email it to wherever it needed to go straight from the iPhone. In addition, we used iPhone's to get images of our band and cast members, which we then uploaded straight to blogger and used to email to teachers to get these students out of the lessons when we needed to shoot them. This also allowed us to also look at the images quickly and work out which cast member would suit what outfit or shot and get more of a feel for the cast. This shows how modern media technology has made our planning for our music video extremely simple and quick, for example we could just take a snapshot of whatever we needed on our iPhones without having to find a professional camera or photographer.

It seems like an obvious one, but the internet of course was a vital form of media technology and our coursework could not have been successful without it. We used it mainly as a research tool but we also used it to access websites such as eBlogger, YouTube and google. Google was of course important in the research of bands, album covers and anything else we had a querie of. However, YouTube was specifically important for us so we could look up Music Video's to get some inspiration. Although this is not pre-production YouTube was also significant as our video would not be on the internet right now had it not been for YouTube, and this would have also affected the feedback we received.

Although most photo's and similar could be taken on iPhone's, we did organise a photoshoot with a photography student to take pictures of our band. This is because we needed photos for our digipak and poster and therefore wanted them to be professionally taken on a professional camera. This day went really well and led to a very satisfying digipak and poster, and this could not have been achieved had it not been for the photography studio, the professional camera, and Photoshop, the editing and image manipulation software that we used in order to layer and adjust the saturation. These are all media technologies and so highlight further how vital these were in our coursework.

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