Wednesday, 19 October 2011

Digipak Research.

We want out Digipak to have a sense of enigma and puzzle. It will be Polysemic which means it will be open to many interpretations. Different audiences will bring different readings.
A good example of a modern Digipak like this is the album 'Casually dressed and deep in conversation' by Funeral for a Friend:

This album also uses intertexuality, the same as ours will do, as it is referencing previous texts. It is inspired by a painting by Rene Magritte:

Another famous digipak which also uses intertexuality is Madonna's album 'Celebration':

All these pictures are inspired by Andy Warhol's painting of Marilyn Monroe:

Our digipak will contain 6 panels. The front cover will contain the aritsts name in a large clear font. We will have a promotional sticker in the top left hand corner stating that it is a 'special edition' and contains bonus tracks.

The back cover will have the track listing, in the same font as the artist name on the front cover.
It will have the production info, the copyright info, the year of production (2011) and the record label logo.
We may also include the price on the back cover aswell as of course a barcode.

We want to use our star image of our band to market. So we are going to organise a photoshoot and then include in the digipak some panels that are pictures of the band. They have an indie rock style so this will hopefully market towards that kind of audience which is nowadays a very big audience especially around the ages of 16-25 which are the ages we are marketing to.

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