Tuesday, 11 October 2011

Shooting Schedule.

9:00 Meet with cast members (performance) in studio
9:10 Start shooting performance. Play song on repeat and get all of the shots of the performance.
Start with Wide Shot of band.
Move onto Close Up of singer.
Mid Shot of singer.
Close Up of hands playing the piano.
Wide Shot of piano player.
Over the Shoulder shot of piano player.
Close Up of paino players face.
Shot of drummer from behind.
Mid Shot of drummer from infront.
Mid Shot of drums from the side.
Close Up of drummers foot.
Mid Shot of guitar.
Close Up of guitar.
Mid Shot of bass.
Close Up of bass.
Tracking shot from piano's feet on pedals slowly up towards his hands on the piano and face.
Shot with singer in focus and rest of the band out of focus in the background.


2:00: Meet with cast members (narrative) in studio.
2:10: Start shooting narrative.
Shot of guy grabbing nouse from table.
Shot of guy tugging on nouse.
Shot of guy hanging up nouse and tightening it.
Close Up of girl's head in nouse, smiling (creepy smiling)
Close Up of girl's head in nouse once it is 'tightened', she is pulling on it.
Shot from behind of guy tieing girls hands.
Reaction shot of girl whilst she is getting her hands tied, she has a smirk.
Over the shoulder shot of guy stroking girls hair.
Extreme Close Up of guy kissing girls legs on chair.
Mid shot of guy kissing and stroking girls legs whilst she is on chair hanging.
Shot of girl standing on chair, guy is shaking it a bit 'teasing'.
'Handheld' camera shot of guy kicking chair which girl is standing on, she is left to hang.
Close Up of girl fallen over on the floor holding her neck and breathing deeply.
Close Up of guy rolling out clingfilm from box - focus pull.
Shot of guy ripping clingfilm off in foreground with her in the background (out of focus).
Mid Shot of guy tieing girls arms around chair.
Close Up of girl's face with clingfilm wrapped around.
Mid shot of guy kissing girl whilst she has clingfilm on her mouth.
Mid shot from infront of her sitting down, him slowly beginning to rip off the clingfilm from behind.
Close Up of him ripping clingfilm off her mouth.
Shot of him pushing her off chair which falls to the floor along with her.
180degree tracking shot round the girl with guy standing next to her.
Tracking shot of guy wrapping clingfilm around girl's mouth.
Close Up of guy cutting rope.
Shot of girl falling to the floor from the rope.
Shot with camera placed on the floor (handheld) and girl lying on the floor hurt.
Same shot with camera on the floor but with him lying behind her.
Same shot again but with him rolling on top of her, they are looking into each others eyes holding hands.
Close Up of them looking into each others eyes, him on top of her.
Close Up of him holding her face, stroking her hair.
Shot of them rolling about angry with each other ripping each others hair etc, still from the floor.
Mid shot of her sitting ontop of him looking over him.
Tracking shot from floor (position camera has been in up to now) to them, her sitting on top of him, looking into each others eyes.
Close Up of their hands intertwining.
Close Up of his hand on her leg, caressing her thigh.

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