Tuesday, 11 October 2011

Evaluation of storyboard animatic.

The process of editing our storyboard is very helpful towards our overall video. It gives us an idea of what the shots are going to look like and therefore with the music and all of it cut together we can see if it is going to work. This means we can now address any problems before we get onto editing our actual video after the shoot where we may not be able to sort these issues out.

After watching the finished cut, I feel like we have portrayed our idea very clearly and the video, when put together, works very well. We have got a good amount of the performance going on which I feel is important to get across our star image.

However, I feel maybe some of the shots are a bit slow and may need to be speeded up. The first shot for example seems like it is too slow but it is actually a slow tracking shot from the feet up so I think that one will work but there are some other shots throughout which may need to be speeded up when we do the real thing.

Overall, I think our video is going to work out well and I am happy with the cut of our storyboard animatic, especially since it allowed us to re-familiarise ourselves with editing before our shoot.

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